
6 Ways to Exercise When You Hate To Work Out

We all need exercise, but the idea of going to the gym or running around the block isn’t appealing to everyone. In fact, some people really, really don’t like to work out. For those who aren’t motivated to join a spin class or turn the man cave into a weight room, here are some ways to work out that don’t, well, suck.

1.Try video games

There are plenty of video games out there that can get you up and active. You can fence, box, play tennis – you name it.

2.Knock out a list of chores

Does the car need washing? Is the garage a mess? Consider planning a few back-to-back chores for a moderate work out. You get to cross things off your to-do list and work out, win-win.

3.Start a garden

Ok guys, I know planting a few peonies might not be your idea of a good time, but gardening is a good work out. Plus, once a garden is in, it needs tending so your work outs will continue.

4.Have sex

You can burn quite a few calories when you have sex. Research suggests you can burn 5 calories a minute, which is about the same as a brisk walk. (Would you rather walk around the block or have a little fun between the sheets? It seems like an easy choice).

5.Go geocaching

Consider getting a GPS unit and going geocaching in your local park. Essentially, you use a GPS unit to locate clues and find small treasures in the woods. It’s an outdoor hike 1with a purpose.

6.Do a walking meeting

Rather than sit in a stuffy office and have a meeting, why not take the meeting on the move? Consider taking a walk outside instead. Whether you walk around the building or head to the coffee shop on the corner, this is a great way to sneak in a little exercise while at work.

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