Fitness Meditation

Battling COVID Stress? One Couple Says Meditation Worked for Them

COVID-19 has ushered in a new era of uncertainty. The pandemic has interrupted just about every corner of life. Health and finances are of utmost concern, but even going to get groceries and sending kids to school – things that were once no-brainers – are now a risk.

With so much effected by COVID, it’s not surprising to see stress levels climb. What’s the answer to the anxiety caused by this situation? For one couple, the answer was meditation.

Why meditation worked

A couple, who was expecting their first child amid the COVID pandemic, tried to get their anxiety under control in several different ways, according to CNBC. They set a morning routine, limited their exposure to the news, tried yoga, cooked meals together – and nothing seemed to work.

A friend suggested meditation, which they sort-of laughed off. The same friend sent them a blog post about Bill Gates using meditation, and it changed their mind.

“I used to think of meditation as a woo-woo thing tied somehow to reincarnation, and I didn’t buy into it,” Gates wrote. “But I now meditate two or three times a week, for about 10 minutes each time. “It’s about taking a few minutes out of my day, learning how to pay attention to the thoughts in my head, and gaining a little bit of distance from them.”

The noticeable impacts of meditation

The couple used the app Headspace as a guide to start meditating. The first few times didn’t go well, but after about a week of trying it, the couple noticed some differences. They noticed:

  • Their moods were better
  • Their ability to focus was stronger
  • They were more productive during their day
  • They had more kind, caring conversations
  • They felt less stressed

While meditation isn’t the sole solution to feeling stressed out, it’s certainly worth a shot. If you’re interested, here’s a list of meditation apps.

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