Lifestyle Dating

4 Relationship Killers You Probably Don’t Know About

Have you been in a few relationships lately that haven’t quite worked out? Do you know what went wrong? Sometimes, two people just aren’t meant to be. However, there are certain things that tend to end relationships quickly.

If you’re looking for a healthy, lasting relationship, be aware of these four relationship killers:

1. Lack of communication

A solid relationship is all about communication. It’s important to talk about your feelings. Yes, your feelings. It’s more effective to talk about how you feel, rather than point fingers or blow up because you didn’t get your way.

Don’t tell the other person how they should feel, or what they did or didn’t do, instead focus on you and your feelings.

2. Lack of boundaries

It’s perfectly okay to maintain relationship boundaries. It’s healthy to have your own interests and friends, but they should complement your relationship not detract from it.

3. Not believing you’re equals

If you’re in a relationship and you don’t believe that your partner is your equal – it’s a major red flag. Your needs and wants are just as important as your partner’s needs and wants. If you don’t feel that way, the relationship won’t last.

4. Handle problems in the moment

Too often couples “pick their battles” and several small problems fester into a bigger, more complex problem. The result is a huge fight with multiple issues that are hard to identify and even harder to fix.

To avoid this kind of fight, speak up when you’re hurt. You can deal with the problem in the moment or shortly after. Explain how you feel calmly and find a solution together.

Relationships are hard work, but if you’re aware of common pitfalls and make efforts to consider your partner’s feelings relationships can provide an entirely new life path. Which one of these relationship killers will you work to avoid?

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