If you’re looking for ways to get rid of belly fat, you’ll need a multi-prong approach. Visceral fat—which releases hormones that can contribute to serious health conditions like diabetes and heart problems—is best controlled with diet and exercise. Here are 6 specific steps you can take to decrease belly fat:
1.Add more fruits and vegetables to your diet
These complex carbohydrates can fill you up with fiber without adding a lot of calories. Fiber can help regulate blood sugar and reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes.
2.Substitute fatty meats with lean proteins
Substituting fatty meats with lean proteins, including nuts, legumes, turkey and tofu, can help you feel fuller longer and reduce the cravings for sugary snacks.
3.Switch to healthy fats
You probably know that trans fats and saturated fats can lead to an increased risk for stroke and heart disease. But they can also create visceral fat. Switch to healthy fats, like that found in fatty fish, olives, nuts, avocados and nut butters.
4.Increase your overall activity
You can burn calories, strengthen muscle and even boost your mood by adding small amounts of activity to your day. This could include taking the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator, parking further away from your work or other destination, using a standing desk and stretching during frequent breaks instead of sitting for long periods of time.
5.Create and stick to a regular workout
No, sit-ups and crunches don’t necessarily reduce your belly fat. But adding a regular exercise routine can help you burn calories and build muscle
6.Add strength training
Add weights to your workout routine to build muscle mass while burning calories. High intensity interval training (HIIT), such as walking for 3 minutes and then sprinting for 30 seconds may reduce body fat by burning calories.