Are you getting enough sleep? Most people are aware of the need for sleep and the impact it can have on their health if they don’t get enough shuteye. But, are you aware that a lack of sleep can cause problems in your relationship? It’s true.
Here are three ways your relationship suffers from lack of sleep:
Heated arguments
When one partner is sleep deprived, it causes problems. When both are sleep deprived, problems escalate.
Research shows that couples who don’t get enough sleep tend to argue more, and are a meaner during the process. In a study conducted by Ohio State University, couples who got less than seven hours of sleep at night interacted in a more hostile way during arguments.
Sleep aids the problem-solving part of the brain, so if it doesn’t get enough rest it can’t do its job.
Poor decisions
Without enough sleep, couples make poor decisions. Sleep helps people use thought, logic, and reason to make well-informed decisions.
When the brain doesn’t have enough sleep, people become easily distracted, less motivated, reckless, and less likely to seek out information. Essentially, all of that adds up to making bad decisions.
It’s easy to take someone you love for granted, but when you’re sleep-deprived, it’s even easier. The small gestures that you do every day to make your partner feel appreciated and loved, like making them coffee or showing affection at random times, aren’t a priority. Instead, your brain is struggling to get through the day.
It’s important that everyone get between 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try creating a sleep journal to identify problems or speak with your doctor if the problem persists.