Wellness Diabetes

Diabetes and COVID: What You Should Know

The pandemic that’s sweeping across the nation has many people with underlying health conditions – like diabetes – concerned about contracting the virus. To help diabetics understand the virus and how it impacts them, the American Diabetes Association put together a list of frequently asked questions.

Are people with diabetes more likely to get COVID-19?

No. Diabetics aren’t more susceptible to the virus than the average person. However, people with diabetes tend to have more complications if they contract the virus.

What kind of complications do diabetics face if they get COVID-19?

Research shows diabetics do have a higher chance of experiencing complications if they get COVID-19. A viral infection like COVID can cause inflammation and internal swelling, which leads to more complications when your body is trying to fight against it.

If diabetes is well-managed, the likelihood of increased complications lessens.

What should you do if you’re diabetic and believe you have COVID-19?

Potential COVID symptoms include:

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Shortness of breath

If you experience any of these symptoms, call your doctor. When you call, have your glucose reading, ketone reading, and your fluid consumption available to share. Your doctor will evaluate your symptoms and be able to direct you to the nearest COVID testing facility.

Are the COVID risks different if you have Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes?

No. At this point, there is no research showing the virus acting differently based on the kind of diabetes you have. However, diabetics do range in age, how they control their blood sugar, and what additional medical problems they may have. These factors can impact the complications that occur if COVID-19 is contracted.

How can diabetics stay healthy?

The CDC suggestions to prevent COVID are the same for everyone. Their instructions are to wash your hands frequently, maintain a social distance of six feet when you’re out, and stay home if you’re not feeling well.

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