Wellness Sleep

Yoga Poses to Help You Sleep

For people who have trouble falling asleep, a little yoga before bed might do just the trick. In addition to helping you calm your mind, there are specific poses that can help your body relax. Try a few of the following tonight.

  1. Viparita Karani

This pose involves lying on your back with your buttocks pushed against the wall and your legs straight up on the wall. The bottoms of your feet should be facing the ceiling. Just focus on your breath and relax as you allow your blood flow to restore your body.

  1. Siddhasana

Sometimes referred to as “Adept’s Pose,” this is as simple as sitting “Indian style” and resting your hands on your knees. Just relax and work to establish a calming rhythm to your breathing.

  1. Supta Baddha Konasana

Also known as the “Reclining Bound Angle,” this yoga pose helps open your hips. Just lie on your back with your arms stretched out (forming an approximate 45-degree angle from your body). Bend your knees and let them fall outward while bring the soles of your feet together. If this isn’t a comfortable pose, add a pillow under each knee.

  1. Salabhasana

Known by many as “Locust Pose,” this position requires you to lie on your stomach. Just clasp your hands behind your back while lifting your (straight) legs into the air and raising your neck and head to look forward.

  1. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

The “Bridge” pose will help open your hips and strengthen your core. Just lie on your back with your arms at your side and legs shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees and put the bottom of your feet flat on the floor. Using your core, buttocks and hamstrings, push your belly button toward the ceiling and clasp your hands underneath you on the floor.

  1. Savasana

Known as the “Corpse Pose,” you can do this in bed. Just lie on your back with your arms stretched out, palms toward the ceiling, and focus on your breath.

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