Sexual Health

happy couple in bed libido

7 Little-Known Sex Tips for Men

Nobody is accusing you of being bad in bed, but a few sex tips can’t hurt, right? Here are a few ideas to help you step up your game in and out of the sack.

  1. Start your foreplay outside the bedroom.

Why not send your partner a sexy text in the middle of the day to get things rolling? Send a suggestive meme or just tell them what you’re looking forward to later that night. 

  1. Schedule sex.

This isn’t about routine but rather making time for sex when you’ve both got a lot going on. Putting sex on the calendar makes it a priority, just like you’d do with a dentist appointment, school function or work meeting.

  1. Opt for a quickie.

You won’t always get the house to yourself or two hours to yourselves to delve into toys, lingerie and cuddling. Sneak off to the bathroom or tell the kids you’re taking a nap. Just be sure to lock the door.

  1. Don’t ignore other erogenous zones.

Genitals aren’t the only erogenous zones on our bodies and the trick is to figure out what turns your partner on. Rub her thighs, kiss her neck, nibble on her ear or try some gentle nipple stimulation.

  1. Focus on sexual hygiene.

Even committed relationships can introduce bacteria if you don’t wash your hands and genitals before (and after) sex. Consider buying some sex-specific wipes if you’re not able to shower or wash your hands.

  1. Do kegels.

Both men and women can benefit from kegels, exercises that help strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor. Simply cut off urination mid-stream to help gradually improve your erections,  orgasms and ejaculation.

  1. Prioritize intimacy and affection.

Part of good sex is keeping the connection with your partner’s heart and mind. Cuddling, listening, sharing your feelings and asking about her day can all show you’re committed to your relationship and trying to build trust.

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