Sexual Health

Interested in a Great Deal on Viagra? Groupon Can Help

Groupon today sells discount coupons for everyone and everything, including a link to a HealthyMale deal on erectile dysfunction medication. Check it out to see how much you can save.

More than a decade after its 2008 debut, Groupon is still going strong. Today, the online discount coupon giant has broadened its money-saving offers to include everything from a meal at a local chain eatery to savings on yoga sessions, a round of golf, and, yes, even erectile dysfunction relief.

Groupon has come a long way from its early days. Back then, it offered a single deal daily. If the day’s offer appealed to you, you could purchase a voucher from Groupon’s website that would entitle you to take advantage of that particular discount within a specified period of time and under guidelines spelled out in the offer’s fine print.

Faced a Lawsuit in 2011

Groupon got into legal trouble back in 2011 over such fine-print exclusions and exceptions governing some of its discount deals. It paid $8.5 million to settle a class-action lawsuit claiming that it failed to adequately alert consumers to such critical matters as the offer’s expiration time and date, periods during which the offer was unavailable, and so on.

Today, visitors to Groupon’s website find a stunning array of discount coupon offers, including many from well-known retailers such as JCPenney, local attractions, services, hotels, car rental companies, and much more.

Offers Tied to Your Location

Generally speaking, the offers are tailored to your geographic location, although many of the offers are from national retailers or services that have facilities in virtually every corner of the United States.

To narrow your search, you can select from a number of broad categories, including Automotive, Beauty & Spas, Food & Drink, Health & Fitness, Home Services, Food Prep & Wine Delivery, Online Learning, Personal Services, Personalized Items, Retail, and Things to Do.

Check Out HealthyMale

Among the scores of offers found within the Health & Fitness category is one from HealthyMale, which offers cut-rate prices on ED medications, including both brand-name and generic drugs.

The deal showcased on the day we visited the Groupon site for HealthyMale featured 20 25-milligram tablets of sildenafil citrate, the generic equivalent of Viagra, for only $35.00, 55 percent off its usual price of $79. The recommended starting dose for sildenafil (or Viagra) is 50 milligrams, although some men find that they are able to achieve and sustain an erection on a dose of only 25 milligrams.

What the Offer Includes

Whatever dose works for you, the HealthyMale deal is a tempting one. And it includes not just the medication but an online consultation with a licensed U.S. physician and free shipping.

You can find comparable savings in time and money at, the website of a longtime online prescription drug service based in Tempe, Arizona. It also offers complimentary online consultations with licensed physicians and free shipping. In addition to its full line of ED medications, Healthymale features a limited selection of other lifestyle medications and products. To learn more, visit its Erectile Dysfunction page.

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