You may have heard that asparagus can change the scent of urine; but can it change the flavor of semen? Can other foods, or other factors, affect the flavor of semen? Here’s what research says.
What semen typically tastes like
Semen is made up of sperm and several kinds of fluid.
Semen’s journey starts in the epididymis. This is where sperm mature before passing through the vas deferens into the ampulla. The ampulla serves as a storage facility, producing fructose (a type of sugar) and an antioxidant called ergothioneine. Ergothioneine also develops in mushrooms, which is why some people say semen sometimes tastes similar to uncooked mushrooms.
When you ejaculate, your body will also pull fluids from the seminal vesicles and prostate gland. Because these fluids contain chemicals, you may also be able to taste them in semen.
The prostate gland produces fluid that contains citric acid, calcium, zinc, sodium, potassium and various enzymes.
The seminal vesicles product fluid that contains citric acid, potassium, phosphorus and amino acids.
Considering all these ingredients, you can see why the taste of semen can vary so greatly!
Foods that affect semen’s flavor
Although there’s no conclusive evidence that certain foods change the taste of semen, there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence.
Some people have said that pineapple and citrus fruits affect the flavor in a positive way, while others say that foods like cauliflower, asparagus and broccoli make it taste worse.
If you notice that certain foods affect your body’s odor, your partner may also notice that it changes the way your semen tastes.
Health conditions that affect semen’s flavor
Some studies have indicated that certain health conditions and lifestyle habits may change the taste of semen. Diabetics, for example, may have more sugar in their semen, causing it to taste sweeter.
A 2016 analysis found that smoking appears to lower the quality of semen and change its composition, affecting the taste.