
The Nutritional Benefits of Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice is a favorite among health advocates for its high nutritional value, but what exactly does it contain in the way of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals? We’re breaking down the health benefits of this beautifully pigmented juice.

Packed full of nutrition

A small glass of organic beetroot juice has just 29 calories, but all of this nutrition:

  • Antioxidants, which help reduce oxidative stress
  • Vitamin B-6, which supports metabolism and the production of red blood cells
  • Folate, which is vital for cell and DNA health
  • Zinc, which promotes a healthy immune system
  • Copper, which maintains the health of blood vessels, bones, and the immune system
  • Calcium, which helps bone strength and growth
  • Iron, which helps red blood cells carry oxygen
  • Manganese, which helps regulate blood sugar and metabolism
  • Magnesium, which supports nerve, heart, muscle and immune health
  • Phosphorus, which helps maintain bone health and aids in cell repair
  • Nitrates, which promote a healthy heart and good blood flow
  • Betalains, which help fight inflammation and toxins
  • Phytochemicals, which help reduce inflammation, fight toxins and boost the immune system

The risks of beetroot juice

Don’t freak out if your urine or feces turns a bit pink or purple after you drink beetroot juice. Beets have some strong natural pigments, but the color changes are harmless and temporary.

There are, however, two potential health risks associated with beetroot juice. The first is that people who are at high risk for kidney stones can develop them because beets contain high levels of oxalates.

The second risk comes from the fact that beetroot juice contains nitrates, which affect blood pressure. If you already take blood pressure medication or have low blood pressure, it’s important to talk to your doctor before consuming beetroot juice. 

Changing the taste

If you can’t tolerate the flavor of beetroot juice, try adding other juices, honey, ginger, mint, basil, carrot juice or cucumbers to your beverage to improve the flavor.

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