Lifestyle Dating

4 Practical Tips for a First Date

If you’re new to the dating scene or the idea of meeting up with a stranger makes you anxious, we’ve got some tips to help make that first date less intimidating. We can’t guarantee you’ll meet your future spouse, but this advice might help take the sting out of breaking the ice on your first date.

  1. Choose a casual place you know well.

While you may be eager to impress a first date by taking her to a fancy restaurant, chances are you’ll be more relaxed if you go someplace you already frequent. You’ll know the menu, the staff, where the bathroom is located, how to get there and when there’s a rush. Choosing to meet up for coffee or a light lunch also takes the pressure off you both regarding dressing up and ending the date with a $150 check for steak and wine.

  1. Turn off your phone.

Yes, completely off. Give her your full attention. If your sound is off but your phone is on, you may be tempted to check it while she’s in the restroom … only to have her catch you looking on her return to the table.

  1. Look for cues.

Be a gentleman by opening doors, pulling out her chair and perhaps offering to pick up the tab. But listen for the tone of her voice and certain phrases that indicate she is not comfortable, for example, with you paying for the date. Likewise, keep your eyes peeled for body language—such as folded arms or looking around the room frequently while you talk—that might indicate she’s ready to cut the date short. 

  1. Do more talking than listening.

It may sound crazy but preparing yourself with a few interesting questions can help fill in the silence if things get awkward. Sure, you can ask the usual questions about her job, family, childhood, etc., but don’t be afraid to throw out a fun question like, “If you could own any zoo animal, what would it be?” Try to think of questions that she can’t answer with “yes” or “no.”

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