
What is the Endomorph Diet?

Have you heard of the Endomorph Diet? It’s not a general meal plan for everyone to follow to lose weight, but rather a diet designed to help people with a particular body type.

Defining endomorphs

The term was coined by William Sheldon in 1940. The psychologist categorized bodies into three main types: ectomorphic, mesomorphic and endomorphic. People in the latter group tend to have soft, round bodies with large hips, bones and joints and a wide waist, regardless of how tall they are.

Endomorphs also tend to have a slower metabolism than ectomorphs or mesomorphs and are more sensitive to carbohydrates and insulin, making it harder to exercise, diet and gain muscle mass.

Sheldon also theorized that endomorphs have psychological traits—not just physical differences—that make it hard to lose weight and exercise. He believed that people who fell under the endomorph category might have a stronger desire for relaxation, comfort, and food.

The endomorph diet

If you’re an endomorph who’s attempting to lose weight through diet, you’ll want to limit or avoid foods that are dense in carbohydrates, especially refined carbs like sugar and white flour. That’s because these foods cause blood sugar to spike and dip and your body type is more likely to convert these sugars to fat rather than use them as energy.

Instead, try to balance proteins and healthy fats with carbs that come from unrefined, high-fiber foods, fruits, and vegetables. 

In terms of protein-rich foods and healthy (i.e., monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats), stock up on:

  • lean proteins, such as turkey and chicken
  • fatty fish
  • low-fat milk, cheese, and yogurts
  • non-tropical nuts (e.g., walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts)
  • eggs and egg whites

In terms of the best carbs for endomorphs, reach for these high-fiber options:

  • all-bran cereal
  • 100% stone-ground whole-wheat bread
  • dried beans and lentils
  • chickpeas (also known as “garbanzo beans”)
  • non-starchy vegetables (e.g., broccoli and cauliflower)
  • fruits (but avoid pineapple and melon)
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