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New Gout Study Reveals Pathway

Gout is one of those diseases that have stumbled doctors trying to find a cure. They know that it’s painful symptoms are caused by too much uric acid in the blood that cause crystals to form between joints, but aren’t sure what causes it. A new study published in Arthritis and Rheumatology last December identified … Continue reading New Gout Study Reveals Pathway

Can Gout Be Prevented?

Gout is a form of arthritis that affects the joints and can cause severe pain, swelling, and inflammation. It’s caused by an excess of uric acid in the body, which forms crystals in the joints. While gout cannot be cured, there are ways to prevent it from occurring or reduce its severity if you already … Continue reading Can Gout Be Prevented?

This Plant-Based Diet May Help Protect Against Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be a difficult and embarrassing condition to experience. But for younger men, the emotional toll may be even higher. Fortunately, there appears to now be an effective way to help prevent this issue by following a plant-based diet. What are the benefits of a plant-based diet? By delving into this topic, we … Continue reading This Plant-Based Diet May Help Protect Against Erectile Dysfunction

How Diabetes Affects Libido

Men with diabetes have trouble performing sexually. It has been known for some time that erectile dysfunction is linked to high blood sugar levels. However, diabetes is also connected with low sexual drive. Both men and women who are having trouble managing their diabetes face low libido. Your blood glucose levels should be the first … Continue reading How Diabetes Affects Libido

What is the Connection Between Sex and Prostate Health?

Sex has long been associated with a range of health benefits, from improved cardiovascular function to better mental health. However, it may also be beneficial for prostate health as well. In particular, ejaculation is thought to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases affecting the prostate gland and improve overall prostate health in men. What … Continue reading What is the Connection Between Sex and Prostate Health?