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Am I Too Old For Crossfit?

Older people don’t jump quickly onto new trends but now that CrossFit has been around for a while, some senior citizens are asking if it’s too late for them to get in on it. The answer is it’s not too late and you aren’t too old. You can start CrossFit at any age but there … Continue reading Am I Too Old For Crossfit?

What Is The Science Behind Mindful Meditation?

Our brain is responsible for processing our memory, problem-solving, and is accountable for our emotional experiences. The amygdala that is located in our brain controls the intensity level of our emotions ranging from high to low and whether it’s positive or negative. From sorrow, disgust, and regret to enjoyment and satisfaction. Mindful meditation Long-term meditation … Continue reading What Is The Science Behind Mindful Meditation?

5 Things Men Need To Know About The Sexual Side Effects Of Antidepressants

Most times even if we don’t want to, experiencing depression may lead to a lack of motivation. Your energy can decline immensely and what’s worst is losing your sexual desires. 1. Delayed orgasms There’s a possibility that you can experience delayed orgasms during intercourse and can even escalate to blocked orgasms. 2. Loss of sexual … Continue reading 5 Things Men Need To Know About The Sexual Side Effects Of Antidepressants