Archive Blog

Can TV Ruin Your Sex Life?

Those who want more sex should learn to turn off the television. That’s the result from studies around the world. The odd part of the conclusion is that it isn’t what we’re watching that is ruining sex lives around the globe. It’s how much time we’re spending watching it. A 2018 study of four million … Continue reading Can TV Ruin Your Sex Life?

Creating a Bedroom for Sleep

Those who are longing for better sleep should take a serious look at their bedroom. A bedroom should have the visual appeal that promotes sleep and every aspect of it could be hampering your shuteye. Colors Colors matter to sleep. Some colors work on our mental state to rouse us while others calm us. For … Continue reading Creating a Bedroom for Sleep

Am I at Risk for Gout?

Many people don’t think about gout, a form of arthritis, until they are diagnosed. It may be helpful to know if you are at risk for getting this painful chronic problem. What Is Gout? Gout is a disease that is caused by high levels of uric acid in your body. This leads to sharp crystals … Continue reading Am I at Risk for Gout?

Online Dating vs. Offline Dating

In this digital age, online dating seems to take over the dating space. Although many people and couples meet the traditional way, online dating seems more convenient. In fact, 30% of American adults say that they had positive experiences when using an online dating app, but there are still some negative effects when meeting someone … Continue reading Online Dating vs. Offline Dating

What is Mantra Meditation?

People who are struggling to meditate resort to mantra meditation to improve concentration and boost awareness. Because it can help you stay focused, mantra meditation could improve your meditation skills. A mantra is a word or phrase that you can repeat during meditation. You can use your mantra as a tool to release your mind … Continue reading What is Mantra Meditation?