Older men aren’t the same as they used to be. Today, men 50 years old and older don’t just sit at home nightly watching TV and working on “honey do” lists. Men in that age bracket are still at the height of their careers, going to the gym, involved with their kids’ activities and in … Continue reading Men’s Fashion Rules For Those Over 50
Year: 2022
Don’t Commit First Date Mistakes
Those in the dating scene may not realize they are doing certain things on a first date that is turning the other person off. No, there will not be a second date. Fortunately, these things can be easily corrected once you identify them. Here are four things that turn people off on the first date. … Continue reading Don’t Commit First Date Mistakes
Can CrossFit Be Fun?
Many people look at a workout with disdain. They feel it’s something they must do, not something they want to do. Their doctor told them to lose weight or their spouse says they need to get in shape. Workouts can be anything but fun. Some see CrossFit as the ultimate workout but is it fun? … Continue reading Can CrossFit Be Fun?
Fertility Study Offers Hope for New Treatment
A February study indicates that a deficient protein could be the cause of infertility in women. This was found after a European research team did research into why human eggs sometimes carry the wrong number of chromosomes. The Chromosome Problem It has been long noted that human eggs can have the wrong number of chromosomes … Continue reading Fertility Study Offers Hope for New Treatment
Lifestyle Changes Can Improve Libido
No one has to live with a lack of a sex drive. Many try to find a pill or treatment to “cure” their libido problem but the issue may not require medical attention at all. Many doctors suggest that you can make some simple lifestyle changes that will improve your libido. Exercise Aerobic exercise does … Continue reading Lifestyle Changes Can Improve Libido
Sleeplessness and Menopause
Women starting perimenopause and those post-menopause tend to not sleep well, according to studies. As many as 63% of women have insomnia during menopause and 70% have night sweats which kept them awake. The biggest problem across all ethnicities was staying asleep and waking up too early. Those problems start in late perimenopause, according to … Continue reading Sleeplessness and Menopause
What is the Quickest Way to Get Rid of Gout?
Gout is a painful chronic problem that doesn’t have a cure. It is a form of arthritis but is different from rheumatoid arthritis by where it hits and the pain. However, its major difference is in what causes it. Gout is caused by too much uric acid in the blood and that causes inflammation of … Continue reading What is the Quickest Way to Get Rid of Gout?
What Is Mindfulness Meditation?
Mindfulness meditation, in a way, is self-explanatory. It is having an awareness of the present moment and accepting it for what it is. One of the aspects of mindfulness meditation is you become more objective about your emotions and thoughts. You learn to accept them without judgment and less of them pass without a struggle. … Continue reading What Is Mindfulness Meditation?
3 Tips for Summer Weight Loss
Summer is coming and this is the time everyone wants to lose weight for beach season. There are good ways and bad ways of achieving weight loss. Many will find out that implementing good weight loss methods is just as easy and a lot less stressful than some diet trend. Losing weight doesn’t have to … Continue reading 3 Tips for Summer Weight Loss
Prostate Blood Test Screening
Men rejoiced when the PSA blood test came out to screen for prostate cancer. Not only did it provide early cancer detection but also meant that some men could avoid the dreaded physical exam for a few more years. What the Test Measures The PSA blood test measures prostate-specific antigen (PSA) that’s in blood. The … Continue reading Prostate Blood Test Screening