Diabetics know the drama of blood sugar fluctuations. They can be normal when they test their blood in the morning and over 300 at lunch. They can hit bottom at 3 p.m. Understanding what causes these dramatic shifts will help you better manage blood sugar levels. Many things can cause blood sugar to rise and … Continue reading Surprising Reasons Your Blood Sugar Swings
Month: April 2022
Perfect Men’s Spring Suit
Spring means a change in wardrobe and that also means a change in men’s suits. After all, you can’t wear that heavy black suit that you wore all winter into spring, can you? It’s not so much that men’s suit style changes in the spring and summer. It’s the fabrics that change. Spring suits offer … Continue reading Perfect Men’s Spring Suit
Spring is Great for Dating
More people fall in love in the spring. Statistically, that is true and there are clear reasons as to why. You can increase your romantic changes by taking advantage of the sun, warmer weather and a chance to get out. There are four solid reasons why people view spring as the time to fall in … Continue reading Spring is Great for Dating
CrossFit Gyms Move to Outdoors
The pandemic did a lot to destroy many group functions and one of those that suffered was CrossFit. CrossFit, normally a fast, fun workout done in a gym group, saw a decline over the past two years. Sweden Had It First Fears of a virus, lockdowns and social distancing are to blame. However, the decline … Continue reading CrossFit Gyms Move to Outdoors
How Effective is Donor Eggs for Pregnancy?
Many couples facing infertility issues turn to science for help and one of the options available is using donor eggs through an IVF procedure. Typically, doctors try to use eggs from younger women who are physically similar to the woman trying to get pregnant. However, using eggs from younger women doesn’t guarantee success. The Numbers … Continue reading How Effective is Donor Eggs for Pregnancy?
Can TV Ruin Your Sex Life?
Those who want more sex should learn to turn off the television. That’s the result from studies around the world. The odd part of the conclusion is that it isn’t what we’re watching that is ruining sex lives around the globe. It’s how much time we’re spending watching it. A 2018 study of four million … Continue reading Can TV Ruin Your Sex Life?
Creating a Bedroom for Sleep
Those who are longing for better sleep should take a serious look at their bedroom. A bedroom should have the visual appeal that promotes sleep and every aspect of it could be hampering your shuteye. Colors Colors matter to sleep. Some colors work on our mental state to rouse us while others calm us. For … Continue reading Creating a Bedroom for Sleep
Am I at Risk for Gout?
Many people don’t think about gout, a form of arthritis, until they are diagnosed. It may be helpful to know if you are at risk for getting this painful chronic problem. What Is Gout? Gout is a disease that is caused by high levels of uric acid in your body. This leads to sharp crystals … Continue reading Am I at Risk for Gout?
5 Ways to Manage Diabetes Better
Type 2 diabetes is a disease that needs to be taken seriously. Aside from medication and maintaining a balanced diet, there are ways to manage diabetes without being too hard on yourself. You can still enjoy life without being down as long as your glucose levels are healthy with these 5 tips: 1. Avoid stress … Continue reading 5 Ways to Manage Diabetes Better
5 Best Opening Messages for Online Dating
Online dating is a convenient way to meet someone in the comfort of your home. While nearly half of US adults find that dating has been hard in the last 10 years, many had a positive experience with online dating apps, and some even found their soulmate. However, not all of us are confident enough … Continue reading 5 Best Opening Messages for Online Dating