Many people think meditation is where you sit crosslegged on a tile floor in a temple and hum. That underestimating the meditation practice and reduces it to a ritual. While meditation can be spiritual, you don’t have to seek a higher power or believe in God to use it for your benefit. Meditation can be … Continue reading How to Meditate If You Aren’t Religious
Year: 2021
Can Stress Cause Weight Gain?
The facts are in. Stress causes weight gain. Most experts state there are two factors involved in the connection. One is cortisol, a stress hormone. The other is bad behaviors induced by stress. Cortisol’s Influence Stress causes an elevation of the hormone cortisol. This happens when your adrenal glands began pushing out adrenaline and cortisol … Continue reading Can Stress Cause Weight Gain?
Understanding Different Prostate Medical Tests
Once upon a time, all men had to have a rectal examination to check for prostate cancer. Any man who had that exam knows how uncomfortable it can be. Now, men have choices in prostate testing. Testing includes two types of tests for prostate cancer. They include the digital rectal examination (DRE), which is the … Continue reading Understanding Different Prostate Medical Tests
Can Pregnant Women Continue to Run?
Women who are pregnant for the first time have many questions. One of those for women who always had running as part of their routine is whether it is safe to continue to run while pregnant. Generally, speaking medical experts say pregnant women can continue to do most of the physical activities they have always … Continue reading Can Pregnant Women Continue to Run?
Why Controlling Your Blood Sugar is Important
Those recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes sometimes don’t take their doctor’s recommendations seriously. All they hear is what they can’t do. They can’t have desserts, bread, pasta, potatoes, rice, and a host of other carbohydrates. Even some fruit is off-limits! One 2016 study suggests convincing patients to take blood sugar-reducing medications is challenging because … Continue reading Why Controlling Your Blood Sugar is Important
Manly Clothes Is Making a Comeback
The big argument over the past year has been over what has been dubbed as “toxic masculinity.” Conservative commentators opined about the loss of “real men” in the wake of those men choosing to get manicures, wear pink, and recycle. Liberal male celebrities showed up at award ceremonies wearing dresses, saying they are still men. … Continue reading Manly Clothes Is Making a Comeback
What to Expect on Your First Day with Crossfit
Anyone considering Crossfit may be hesitant because they’ve heard it’s intense. It’s natural to worry about the first-class being something you can’t handle. After all, who wants to fail? Those who know Crossfit said there isn’t anything to worry about because the coaches want you to succeed. There are some things you need to know … Continue reading What to Expect on Your First Day with Crossfit
Why Has My Libido Suddenly Dropped?
Many known causes exist for low libido in men but most people don’t care about why their sex drive suddenly came to a screeching stop. They just want it to go back to normal. Men must understand how they arrived at a decreased interest in sex get back to a place where they wanted and … Continue reading Why Has My Libido Suddenly Dropped?
Can Acupuncture Help Fertility?
The ancient Chinese method of acupuncture is becoming a more recognized treatment for infertility in the West. Many women and men have found it to be a safe way to enhance their chances of getting pregnant. Not only does acupuncture help you relax, it can help improve your sleep, your hormone balance and even your … Continue reading Can Acupuncture Help Fertility?
Why Am I So Sleepy During the Day?
Another yawn. Lost focus. You are still at work but all you can think about is getting to your bed. Daytime drowsiness is a common problem but there are solutions. First, you must figure out why it is happening. Several possible reasons exist for daytime drowsiness. Sleep Deprivation It’s been shown in data that far … Continue reading Why Am I So Sleepy During the Day?