Men sometimes put off getting new clothes because they have put on a few pounds. Yet, that doesn’t do a lot for your self-esteem and can make you look heavier. That’s because your old clothes are too tight and don’t fit your new weight. Style experts know the tricks of making a larger man look … Continue reading Three Men’s Style Tricks That Make You Look Thinner
Year: 2021
Six Red Flags to Recognize on a First Date
Why CrossFit Training Requires Special Shoes
Those who want to get started in CrossFit training will do well to check their shoes. Getting the right shoe for this type of training will help prevent injury. It’s important to understand that CrossFit involves different types of exercise that focus on flexibility, strengthening and endurance. Why Do You Need CrossFit Shoes? That involves … Continue reading Why CrossFit Training Requires Special Shoes
Three Safety Concerns Rise About Penis Implants
Penile implants became popular about 10 years ago as a way to resolve erectile dysfunction (ED). These were suggested as a remedy when there was a clear medical cause of ED. The other stipulation was the problem couldn’t be fixed with other types of medical treatments or naturally. What Is a Penile Implant? This is … Continue reading Three Safety Concerns Rise About Penis Implants
How Free Radicals Affect Male Fertility
More research is showing that fertility issues can affect men as much as women. Almost 50 percent of infertility cases are because of malefactors and many of those are because of free radicals. Many reasons exist for sperm dysfunction, but more research is pointing to free radicals as one of the bigger problems. This can … Continue reading How Free Radicals Affect Male Fertility
3 Comfort Foods to Avoid to Sleep
Everyone has, at one time or another, sat on the couch in the middle of the night with their favorite snack food watching a movie. It’s the ultimate comfort time. It is many people’s go-to when they can’t sleep. However, it may surprise many to know that those comfort foods may be the very thing … Continue reading 3 Comfort Foods to Avoid to Sleep
Is There a Natural Way to Treat Gout?
Gout can cause a lot of pain. It falls into the arthritis category and there is no cure for it. However, there are many ways to treat it and some of those are natural remedies. It’s important to understand how gout occurs. It happens when the blood has a high amount of uric acid. The … Continue reading Is There a Natural Way to Treat Gout?
How Belly Fat Can Affect Your Heart
Your heart needs you to lose your belly fat. Belly fat has long been associated with first-time heart attacks but now doctors say it can increase your risk for repeated heart attacks. Numbers Tell the Harsh Truth Dr. Hanieh Mohammadi authorized a study on the subject of the link between belly fat and heart attacks. … Continue reading How Belly Fat Can Affect Your Heart
How Meditation Can Help You Make a Tough Decision
Do you ever wish you could just have someone make a tough decision for you? Everyone faces difficult decisions at times. The problem with decisions is that you don’t know for sure if they are the right ones. Meditation can help with that. Getting Ready to Meditate The first thing to do is to prepare … Continue reading How Meditation Can Help You Make a Tough Decision
Can You Avoid the Middle-Age Spread?
Both men and women can experience weight gain as they hit middle age. This can deflate anyone’s ego and losing weight after 40 can be frustrating. However, there are some things you can do to lose weight, feel better, and be healthier. Determine Why You’ve Gained Weight Several reasons exist on why you have gained … Continue reading Can You Avoid the Middle-Age Spread?