You used to run when you were younger and you remember how good it made you feel. Then came a career, long nights, a spouse, kids, a dog, a mortgage, and running just didn’t seem to be in the plan anymore. Now you want to start back to gain some health benefits and try to … Continue reading Tips to Start a Running Routine If You’re Out of Shape
Month: November 2021
Low Blood Sugar Can Be As Dangerous as High Blood Sugar
A lot of health information is out there about diabetes, which typically is categorized as high blood sugar. Likewise, a lot of information exists about how to control blood sugar including medications and insulin injections. However, there isn’t as much public information about low blood sugar. Similar to high blood sugar in its adverse effects, … Continue reading Low Blood Sugar Can Be As Dangerous as High Blood Sugar
Are Neckties Out of the Fashion Picture?
The necktie is surprisingly a controversial topic among men. Most men don’t like wearing them but some feel it is important to give that professional image anyway. Even style experts disagree with some saying the necktie is fading from fashion while others claim it is more important than ever. According to a 2020 Gallup poll, … Continue reading Are Neckties Out of the Fashion Picture?
What You Should Tell Your Date About Your Past
Some people want to be honest with a potential dating partner. While their intentions are good, there is something to be said for not revealing everything too soon. After all, you can enjoy a wonderful gourmet meal without asking the chef for a list of ingredients. You can enjoy a new relationship without knowing everything. … Continue reading What You Should Tell Your Date About Your Past
How To Use A Penis Pump The Right Way With Healthymale Influencer Amber
In this Healthymale video, Healthymale Influencer Amber demonstrates the right way to use a penis pump. Amber KallaAmber Kalla personal trainer member of the HealthyMale Squad
How to Pick the Right CrossFit Coach
So, you want to start CrossFit training? Picking the right CrossFit coach is one of the most important things you can do. A coach that doesn’t suit your personality or that can’t work with your current level of ability will hurt your chances of achieving in the program. There are four basic things to look … Continue reading How to Pick the Right CrossFit Coach
Does COVID Affect Libido?
One of the after-effects of COVID-19 is that many men are experiencing libido problems. That brings up the question of whether COVID-19 affects reproductive organs. The answer is yes. Virus patients can develop both short and long-term sexual issues and it can cause erectile dysfunction (ED) and reproductive issues too, according to one study. The … Continue reading Does COVID Affect Libido?
5 Ways to Improve Male Fertility
Fertility is always a sensitive subject because both men and women are conditioned to think they are unusual or somehow inadequate if there are fertility issues. Our society emphatically ties the ability to have children with being a complete man or woman. The first thing to realize as you start your journey to have a … Continue reading 5 Ways to Improve Male Fertility
How to Adjust Your Sleep to the Time Change
Your body has an internal clock and that clock syncs itself to time. Time may not be just hours on a clock either but also includes changes in the sun and the moon. This is why people tend to have a hard time adjusting when the time changes in the fall and spring. Not only … Continue reading How to Adjust Your Sleep to the Time Change
The Connection Between Diabetes and Gout
Doctors aren’t sure how diabetes and gout are linked but they are convinced the two diseases affect each other negatively. Most agree that if you have one, you are likely to have the other as well. Gout occurs when your body has too much uric acid in the blood, causing a type of arthritis. Type … Continue reading The Connection Between Diabetes and Gout