Although we all know that sleep is important, and the ideal is that we should get 7-8 hours a night, many people do not meet this sleep criteria. And scientists are just beginning to understand how detrimental that could be to our mental health. Poor sleep is defined as having trouble falling or staying asleep, … Continue reading Poor Sleep Increases Risk of Dementia in Older People
Month: February 2021
New Hope for Those Who Suffer From Diabetes
Diabetes is a debilitating disease that affects a patient’s entire life. From reduced circulation and the fear of amputation, to heart trouble and related problems, diabetes is a disease to avoid at all costs. One of the major contributors to diabetes is obesity. Scientists have been studying and searching for ways to help people control … Continue reading New Hope for Those Who Suffer From Diabetes
The Effects of Sleep Apnea on a Man’s Brain
One billion people worldwide suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, and scientists are now investigating this disease and its relationship to people’s brains. Although sleep apnea is annoying enough, with men waking up many times an hour and unable to get deep sleep, new research is showing that having obstructive sleep apnea could cause long term … Continue reading The Effects of Sleep Apnea on a Man’s Brain
6 Winter Fashion Tips for Men
Gone are the days when women were the ones who cared about fashion and men just rolled out of bed and out into the world with whatever they had on! Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be hitting the Paris runways any time soon, but there is something to be said for trying … Continue reading 6 Winter Fashion Tips for Men
Using a Cleanse to Inspire Weight Loss
When the calendar turns to the beginning of the year, many people start thinking of weight loss. There are many types of weight loss plans, from the Atkins diet to a Mediterranean diet, and everything in between. But in order to entirely reset your body’s digestive system, many people swear by a cleanse. A Cleanse … Continue reading Using a Cleanse to Inspire Weight Loss
6 Things Men Should Know About Sexual Health
Let’s face it. Men don’t necessarily want to talk about their sexual health. But that leaves them with so many questions and musings about whether or not their sex lives are normal. Here are a few of the most frequent questions that men often wonder about. 1. How Long Do Sexual Encounters Typically Last? No … Continue reading 6 Things Men Should Know About Sexual Health
Top 6 Weight Loss Diets as Voted by US News and World Report
As we make it through the early months of the year, it is time to start dreaming of summer, And when we think of shedding layers and getting ready for the beach, it is imperative that we get our bodies in peak shape. Here are the six top diets that lay claim to the most … Continue reading Top 6 Weight Loss Diets as Voted by US News and World Report
Diabetes: The Effects of the Pandemic on an Already Difficult Disease
The pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus has wreaked havoc on the nation, and has had many unexpected consequences beyond the transmission of the virus and the health troubles that entails. For people who have already been dealing with diabetes, Covid-19 has offered additional hardships in a few critical ways. Larger Percentage of Deaths There … Continue reading Diabetes: The Effects of the Pandemic on an Already Difficult Disease
Men’s Fashion: Facial Hair in 2021
When you hear the word fashion, you are probably thinking about whether jeans will be in or not this year, or about what type of shoes to wear with your khakis. But fashion also extends to your face, and in particular the facial hair that you sport on the daily. Below are the most common … Continue reading Men’s Fashion: Facial Hair in 2021
Gout in the Modern World: How the Condition Has Changed
For many Americans, it might seem like gout is an old time disease that is no longer around. Many people in the past suffered from this malady. Even King Henry VIII and Ben Franklin suffered from this painful condition. But if you think gout is an old time disease, you’d be wrong. In fact, gout … Continue reading Gout in the Modern World: How the Condition Has Changed