Diabetes is an impactful, progressive disease, and there are many side effects that can occur. There are some serious problems that can be experienced by men in particular. Diabetes patients do not have the ability to make insulin, which regulates their blood sugar, and the high levels of blood sugar wreak havoc with the body’s … Continue reading 4 Ways Erectile Function is Impacted By Diabetes
Year: 2020
How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Diet and Exercise
Those who are faced with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes understand that the disease is a progressive one, and they are likely facing a lifetime of insulin injections and worry over their blood sugar numbers. In order to balance blood sugar levels, however, diet and exercise can be used to combat the toll diabetes … Continue reading How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Diet and Exercise
Break Free From Migraine Pain with Mindfulness
Throbbing pain, nausea and sensitivity to light and sound are some of the worst symptoms of a migraine headache. Some men can have five or more headaches a month and this interferes with work, home and social life. Although medications can lessen the pain, some have side effects and are expensive. Choosing mindfulness meditation may … Continue reading Break Free From Migraine Pain with Mindfulness
3 Snacks to Keep Your Diabetes Controlled
Cookies, soda, bagels, and cake are all highly processed foods that can increase your blood sugar levels when you are hanging out with friends. But what are you going to snack on when everyone else is chowing on the hero sandwich? Men with type 1 or type 2 diabetes need to choose wisely to maintain … Continue reading 3 Snacks to Keep Your Diabetes Controlled
Prevent Aggressive Prostate Cancer: Stop Smoking
How to Be Successful Long Term at CrossFit
CrossFit has been known to provide exceptional results for those who have stuck it out over time. The problem with CrossFit is that injuries are more likely when compared to regular exercise. These injuries can be prevented by focusing on prevention and recovery methods. Prevent injuries Many injuries in CrossFit can be prevented by correcting … Continue reading How to Be Successful Long Term at CrossFit
The Two Best Ways to Improve Your Sex Life
In recent years, more information has come out about how many struggle in their sex life. If this is you don’t worry we have solutions below to improve your sex life. Exercise more Exercise has many health benefits of lower risk of chronic disease, stronger immune system, and strength. The one that is overlook the … Continue reading The Two Best Ways to Improve Your Sex Life
Steps to Avert CrossFit Foot Injuries
You just completed three sets of burpee box jumps. Your right Achilles is pounding. The preferred exercise program of many men, CrossFit, includes strenuous workouts that can lead to foot injuries. Running and jumping add extra stress to the foot and some men will try to push through their pain to finish the workout. Common … Continue reading Steps to Avert CrossFit Foot Injuries
How and Why to Meditate at Work
Your boss keeps texting. Your driver ran the company truck into a fence. You need some time to regroup and move ahead without stressing over the day’s craziness. Meditation is just what you need to settle into a better day at work. Why Meditate? You may not even realize how overwhelmed you’re feeling at work … Continue reading How and Why to Meditate at Work
Diabetes and Exercise: Why You Need a Plan
Your friends are starting a fifteen-mile bike outing three times a week. You want to participate, but you’re not positive about how to manage your diabetes during exercise. Exercise benefits for diabetics include improved muscle strength, decreased sleep apnea, lower blood pressure, and cardiovascular fitness. Set up a time to meet with your doctor to … Continue reading Diabetes and Exercise: Why You Need a Plan