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4 Gout Myths Debunked

Eight million Americans have gout; a painful arthritic condition that usually causes pain in the feet and toes. While the condition is fairly common, there are many, many myths about it. To dispel gout myths, we’re debunking the most common ones. Gout Myths #1: Only large people get gout A person who is overweight or … Continue reading 4 Gout Myths Debunked

Can You Drink With Gout?

The pain associated with gout can be extreme. Attacks can come on quickly and can stick around. This inflammatory arthritic condition is caused by the buildup of uric acid in the body. The build-up turns the acid into crystals that make it painful for joints, usually in the toes and feet, to move. Certain foods … Continue reading Can You Drink With Gout?

4 Common Cholesterol Myths

Have you been told to watch your cholesterol? If so, you probably have a lot of questions. What’s a healthy cholesterol level? What foods impact cholesterol? For every question you have, there’s a myth out there that just isn’t true. To help you know what’s fact and what’s fiction, here’s a look at the most … Continue reading 4 Common Cholesterol Myths