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Why You Need Dietary Phosphorus

Although most people can get the recommended daily allowance of phosphorus from eating a healthy diet, some people may need to intentionally consume more or less to get the right balance. Here are things to know about the mineral and its essential functions.  Why you need it Phosphorus serves two main purposes: To build and … Continue reading Why You Need Dietary Phosphorus

All Day Eating Mexican Fast Food All Under 1000 Calories

Mark DelanoHi all, I ‘m Mark Delano a full-time writer and editor for I post about products and treatments that work for me. View My Profile  |  View All My Posts

Manipulative Business

Differences in generic vs brand name and why FDA is important Many people often hear the term “Generic” and think that a specific mediation is somehow different from the brand name. The real truth is quite a bit more involved than that. Generic medications as a whole, tend not to vary too much from their … Continue reading Manipulative Business

Study: Undiagnosed Diabetes Doubles Risk of Heart Attack

There’s new evidence that undetected diabetes may triple the risk of severe gum disease and double the risk of a heart attack. In addition, previous research has shown that a combination of diabetes-related kidney complications, ischemic heart disease, and periodontitis creates three times the risk of mortality compared to those without periodontitis. The risk of … Continue reading Study: Undiagnosed Diabetes Doubles Risk of Heart Attack