Although the correlation between having diabetes and developing cancer has been found in previous research, a new study indicates that the risk is different for men and women. Diabetes and cancer risk—by gender A group of Chinese researchers used the medical data from a large Chinese cohort. The looked at the information for 410,191 adults … Continue reading Diabetes Linked to Cancer Risk by Your Sex
Month: May 2019
Cut Back on Sugar With a Computer Game?
Did you ever dream your sugar cravings could be kept under control with a computer game? A team from Drexel University’s College of Arts and Sciences did, so they set out to create a new approach to help people addicted to sugar decrease their intake. Sugar on the brain The researchers knew that brain-training games … Continue reading Cut Back on Sugar With a Computer Game?
5 Benefits of Fermented Foods
Just as your digestion can get messed up when you chow down on certain foods, it can also be boosted by eating fermented foods. That’s because the process of fermentation involves microbes—like yeast and bacteria—to preserve the ingredients. It’s these sugar-eating microorganisms that can help keep your gut healthy. How fermented foods help Serving as … Continue reading 5 Benefits of Fermented Foods
The Best Muscle-building Supplements
If you’re trying to build muscle, supplements—such as creatine and protein—can help. But it’s vital that you use them in moderation and at the right level of training. When to add muscle-building supplements If you’re a beginner to weightlifting, don’t worry about adding supplements. You’re likely to automatically build muscle quickly after you start resistance … Continue reading The Best Muscle-building Supplements
Relationships are a vital role in our day to day lives!
Human beings, at their core, thrive on social interaction. When you think back to the prehistoric era and analyze human behavior through a socialistic lens, you’ll find our survival is based solely in our ability to group up and defend ourselves and others; we have always had strength in numbers. While we may not be … Continue reading Relationships are a vital role in our day to day lives!
Exercise May Reduce Depression in Men Only
In a new study from a team at the University of Michigan found that neither moderate- or high-intensity exercise benefits depression in women—only men. The researchers looked at sleep patterns and exercise for over 1,100 students at Beijing University in China. Previous studies on depression This was somewhat surprising, as various studies have indicated that … Continue reading Exercise May Reduce Depression in Men Only
Low Testosterone Could Cause Night Sweats
Waking up in damp clothes and sheets may be a sign that you have night sweats due to low testosterone. As the primary sex hormone in men, testosterone has some important roles, such as producing sperm and building muscle mass. But as men age, their levels of testosterone gradually decrease, causing a variety of problems, … Continue reading Low Testosterone Could Cause Night Sweats
Embarrassing Memories Get Worse With Insomnia
A new study has found that for people with insomnia, embarrassing memories don’t fade with time, as they may with people who sleep well. The evidence seems to point to the idea that the emotional circuits in the brains of people with insomnia don’t disengage from distant memories. On the contrary, people who sleep well … Continue reading Embarrassing Memories Get Worse With Insomnia
4 of the Best Stretches for Hip Pain
Although the causes of hip pain can be varied—injuries, muscle strains, arthritis or inflammatory disorders—stretching can do wonders to improve mobility. With the exception of those who have recently had a hip replacement, doing these stretching exercises at a gentle pace is safe for most people battling hip pain. Warm up your muscles first Before … Continue reading 4 of the Best Stretches for Hip Pain
The Best Foods to Eat After a Workout
Even if you’re not starving after your workout, there are some foods that can help you recover faster and build muscle. Your muscles during a workout During a workout, your body will rely on your muscles’ glycogen energy stores. During strength-training workouts, some of the muscle proteins get damaged. The good news is, eating the … Continue reading The Best Foods to Eat After a Workout