Researchers are testing a new treatment for prostate cancer that uses gold nanoparticles.
Month: January 2019
Exercise After a Divorce
Divorce is stressful, but it also may change how much you exercise. Research has found that men and women change their number of steps after a breakup.
Yes, Men Can Get Thrush
Most people think that only women can get yeast infections, but men can get thrush too. In men, thrust often affects the foreskin and head of the penis, causing inflammation at the tip known as balanitis. Symptoms of thrush Although Candida yeasts live on the skin and mucous membranes normally, an overgrowth can cause symptoms, … Continue reading Yes, Men Can Get Thrush
Back Pain Linked to Mortality
For people with back pain, it’s important to understand why there’s a link to a higher mortality rate.
Lyme Disease Killed With Essential Oils
If you have Lyme Disease, find out which essential oils might be your best option for treatment; even better than antibiotics.