A new study has found that vitamin A helps gut bacteria and the immune system. Read more about this research.
Month: January 2019
Yo-yo Dieting Can Hurt Heart
Can yo-yo dieting hurt your heart’s health? Find out what new research says.
Month Without Alcohol Boosts Health
What happens if you give up alcohol for a month? We’ve got the lowdown on new research.
Protect Against Parkinson’s With Coffee
If you have Parkinson’s in your family, researchers have some good news. Find out why coffee may offer hope!
Obesity Linked to Sense of Smell
Here’s an interesting fact for people with obesity: You may have a decreased ability to detect smells odors and discriminate between various smells. Understanding the link between obesity and smelling Researchers from Otago’s Departments of Food Science, Anatomy, and Mathematics/Statistics reviewed previous studies on the link between obesity and sense of smell, as well as … Continue reading Obesity Linked to Sense of Smell
How to Dress for a Semi-formal Event
Somewhere between jeans and a suit is the ever-confusing semi-formal attire. While it can be exciting to get an invitation to event where you get to dress up a little, it can also leave men scratching their heads as to what to wear. Here are some guidelines to help you dress appropriately. Understanding semi-formal dress … Continue reading How to Dress for a Semi-formal Event
Exercise Helps Blood Pressure as Well as Drugs
Having high blood pressure can put you at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, but a new study says exercise may be just as effective as drugs at decreasing hypertension. The findings on exercise and hypertension New research published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine compared data from 194 clinical trials focusing on the impact … Continue reading Exercise Helps Blood Pressure as Well as Drugs
Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes Linked Genetically
New findings indicate that there may be a strong correlation between erectile dysfunction (ED) and diabetes in terms of genetics. This goes beyond previous observational evidence that linked the two. The new study on erectile dysfunction and diabetes A team of researchers from the UK looked at data from more than 220,000 men from three … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction and Diabetes Linked Genetically
Can You Lose Weight With a Tiny Implant?
A new device might aid weight loss with very few side effects.
Regrowing Hairs to Reverse Hearing Loss
Knowing that other species can regrow the hairs in their ears to reverse hearing loss, research are hoping to replicate the procedure in humans.