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8 Creative Date Night Ideas

Whether you’re looking to spice up your stagnant relationship or trying to impress a first date, we’ve got some ideas that go beyond the standard coffeeshop meet-up. Check out these 8 creative ideas for your next night (or day) out with your special lady! Take a winery or brewery tour. Find out which your date … Continue reading 8 Creative Date Night Ideas

Can Taking Melatonin Help Your Erectile Dysfunction?

Not getting enough sleep—or poor quality sleep—has been linked to erectile dysfunction (ED). Knowing that melatonin can help you fall asleep and stay asleep, is it possible melatonin—naturally occurring or as a supplement—could also help your ED? Several studies seem to indicate that it could. Melatonin levels and erectile dysfunction in humans A recent study … Continue reading Can Taking Melatonin Help Your Erectile Dysfunction?

5 Dating Sites for Men Over 40

You’ve heard the jokes about Tinder and other “hook-up sites” on late-night TV and you can laugh along because it’s not your thing. But for men over 40 who are looking for a long-term relationship, where do you turn? Sure, there’s church, the grocery store and maybe even a few blind dates that your well-meaning … Continue reading 5 Dating Sites for Men Over 40

Love Cheese? Watch Your Cholesterol

If you’ve always assumed you had high cholesterol (CHOL) from all those sausages you used to eat, consider this: cheese and other dairy products may also raise your cholesterol. How much cholesterol does your favorite cheese have? While cheese does have some positive benefits (besides making everything it touches taste better!), such as calcium, protein … Continue reading Love Cheese? Watch Your Cholesterol