Don’t rely on a diet of meat and carbs to keep you healthy. Although most men know they should “eat their veggies,” a new study has found that a diet rich in certain vegetables may actually prevent colon cancer. A diet rich in i3C he research results, which were published in the journal Immunity, found … Continue reading Diet Without Vegetables Linked to Colon Cancer
Month: September 2018
Erectile Dysfunction May Cause Sleep Issues and Depression
Although some men may think depression and sleep issues are all in their head, they could actually stem from erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, depression and sleep disorders A new study from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) had 124 men who were attending a clinic specializing in men’s health fill out detailed health questionnaires. The … Continue reading Erectile Dysfunction May Cause Sleep Issues and Depression
Add These Foods to Your Diet to Ease Anxiety
If you suffer from anxiety, you probably already know that yoga, meditation and exercise can help. But you may not be aware that certain foods can also be helpful in fighting generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Foods that fight anxiety According to Medical News Today, there are nine foods in particular that can help with GAD’s … Continue reading Add These Foods to Your Diet to Ease Anxiety
Ejaculation May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk
The theory that frequent ejaculation reduces a man’s risk of prostate cancer may have some merit. Ejaculation, prostate cancer and age In one 2016 study published in European Eurology, researchers found that men who ejaculate more frequently had a reduced rate of developing prostate cancer. The study, which was a follow-up on a 2004 study … Continue reading Ejaculation May Reduce Prostate Cancer Risk
VERY Healthy Boneless Buffalo Chicken Wings – Protein Packed!
At HealthyMale we have shared our favorite boneless wings recipe! This is a healthy alternative to deep fried buffalo wings and perfect for watching your nutrition during football season. This recipe is especially healthy due to the use of almond milk, coconut flour and using spray oil. When you use spray oil on a frying … Continue reading VERY Healthy Boneless Buffalo Chicken Wings – Protein Packed!
Older Men May Not Benefit from Eating More Protein
Many national health organizations in the United States have previously recommended dietary protein (PRO) intakes greater than the RDA for older adults looking to maintain and promote muscle growth. But new research published in the April 2018 issues of JAMA Internal Medicine indicates that higher intake doesn’t increase lean body mass, muscle performance, physical function … Continue reading Older Men May Not Benefit from Eating More Protein
No Alcohol Consumption Better Than a Little
A study on the effects of alcohol on health looked at data from 1990-2016 in 195 countries. The research found that alcohol was the main cause of 12% of deaths for men between ages 15 and 49. They also found that in 2016, alcohol caused nearly 3 million deaths around the world. From two drinks … Continue reading No Alcohol Consumption Better Than a Little
Men’s Heart Health Affected by Marriage
Although previous studies have found that simple being in a marriage tends to increase longevity for men and reduce their health risks, there has been some debate about why. Some researchers have argued that it may be because healthier people are more likely to marry. Testing for bias To test for bias by selection, researchers … Continue reading Men’s Heart Health Affected by Marriage
Improve Your Health With Bromance Relationships
There’s good news on the male-bonding relationships front! New research has found that “bromances” may be good for your health. Researchers found that male rats who experienced moderate stress became more prosocial, raising oxytocin levels. Increased oxytocin levels encourage bonding, which leads to resilience when faced with stress. The same effect on male-male relationships doesn’t … Continue reading Improve Your Health With Bromance Relationships
Why Men Recover Faster From the Flu
New research on mice with the flu found that males produce more of a growth factor protein called amphiregulin, which promotes lung healing. The study, which came out of Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, may point to similar results in humans. Understanding the flu in humans The scientists also injected the flu … Continue reading Why Men Recover Faster From the Flu