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Vegetable Viagra Natural Juice Recipe to Boost Libido

Published On: 2021-04-27

We know there are several fruits that act as natural remedies for Erectile Dysfunction, like watermelons and pomegranates. But did you know that certain vegetables assist with ED as well.

For this juice recipe you’ll need some
1). Celery stalks
2). Carrots
3). Beetroot
4). 2 tablespoons of fresh cut ginger

First you’ll want to wash and trim the ends of the celery and carrots like so.

For the Beetroot, scrub it clean, cut off the tip of the root about a half-inch up and remove the stems, but save them they are good for juicing also. Now cut up the remaining beetroot into smaller pieces that will fit into the hopper of your juicer.

Now for the ginger. You’ll want to make sure it’s clean, then peel the skin and cut it into small chunks, about 2 tablespoons worth.

Okay, everything’s prepped and ready to be juiced. Slowly add in the carrots and celery. Now put the beets and ginger in the hopper. Now you have your juice, it’s as easy as that.

Carrots are high in natural antioxidants and fiber along with ample amounts of Vitamin K. Celery is a good source of Vitamin C and a natural anti-inflammatory along with ginger. The Beetroot is what’s really special in this drink though, it contains tryptophan, an antidepressant that gets converted to serotonin. Also, it contains Boron with helps with balancing your hormones while increasing your nitrite oxide levels, which helps dilate blood vessels in the same way that Viagra works.

The best way to fight Erectile Dysfunction is with a healthy, active, well-rounded lifestyle, visit where you can learn more.


Watch the HealthyMale Video Vegetable Viagra Natural Juice Recipe to Boost Libido