Temporary Issues Causing Erectile Dysfunction
Stop beating yourself up. It's completely normal. Every man, young or old, will experience erectile dysfunction countless times within their life. This is not to say that some forms of ED are permanent. So take a deep breath, relax, and let's work through this together!
Temporary Causes Of ED
There are so many factors in your day-to-day life, as well as your health, that can cause situational impotence. Pin-pointing what may be affecting your performance is the first step to raising the sails once again.
#1 Issues Within Your Relationship
Who said only girls are emotional? Men often live in their heads and stew in pent-up emotions. Trouble in relationships like an unresolved fight or lack of communication can keep your mind from being "at the moment" during sex. This is also true on your partner's side. It takes two to tango, and when you are trying to dance between the sheets, it may be difficult or impossible to get an erection when you and your partner are not into the experience.
*Tip- We all love angry sex and make-up sex. But sometimes your penis may not. Make sure you and your partner are on good terms before you try to have sex. Take the time to get yourself and your partner in the mood, that way you both are equally aroused and revved up!
#2 Alcohol
While alcohol can help many of us lose our inhibitions, drinking too much of it can do terrible things to sexual arousal, appetite, and sensitivities.
*Tip- Moderation! Sure, you are annoyed that yet again drinking in moderation is suggested. Seriously, why muddle a great sexual experience or encounter with alcohol? You want all of your senses to be focused on you and your partner, not drowning in booze. Too late? Hydrate! Take an hour before the deed and drink some water, and maybe a little coffee, to get your head in the game.
#3 Exhaustion
Let's face it, if you are worn out from your day or a strenuous morning at the gym, chances are you might not be up for sex. When the thought of a long nap excites you more than sex, your penis probably could do with some rest as well!
*Tip- This one is simple: make sure you are getting enough rest! Get a full night's sleep and try not to over-exert yourself throughout the day. Reward your body with nutritious foods that can help muscle recovery and energy levels.
#4 Interruptions Before and During Sex
It may sound corny: good sex is like a ballet. No, you do not have to choreograph every move in bed, but sex has a certain "flow". Once you get going, you can really feel the groove of things and your bodies start to work with each other. Herein lies the problem. If you are interrupted with something like desperately trying to force a condom on, you may accidentally turn off the machine. What more, the machine is often stubborn and might not turn back on!
*Tip- Sometimes interruptions are unavoidable. If you really want to have sex, then don't quit! Your partner will understand if you need a little more time to get yourself ready to go again.
#5 Stress
Stress releases chemicals that can stop you from even having an erection in the first place. Plus, if you are stressed, you most likely have bigger things on your mind than getting busy with your partner.
*Tip- Meditate, exercise, or take up a hobby that you enjoy. The keys to dealing with stress are to have an outlet, take life as it comes, and stay organized and on top of things. The one place that doesn't want anything to do with stress is the bedroom.