How Meditation can help with Erectile Dysfunction
Published On: 2021-04-23
Meditation can assist with Erectile Dysfunction caused by stress levels or anticipatory anxiety. Meditation can help re-program the mind so that anxiety, guilt or fear associated with sexual performance is replaced with positive patterns of thoughts and feelings.
Meditation is a practice where an individual focuses their mind to achieve a state of mental clarity and emotionally calmness. Meditation can be used to reduce stress, anxiety, depression and pain.
To begin meditation, find a quiet area free of distractions and sit in a comfortable seated position. Sit cross-legged with your torso balanced and aligned centered above your hips. Relax your head and neck; allow your jaw to fall and the back of your neck to lengthen. Shoulders should move backwards while lifting your ribcage. Relax your arms while resting your hands in your lap.
Take long slow breaths while trying to block out worries and distracting thoughts. Count to five as you slowly inhale, then count to five as you slowly exhale. When breathing focus on filling your abdomen with air then let is deflate like a balloon. Breathing in through your nose and out of your mouth.
Continue with this deep rhythmic breathing for about 3 minutes, this will drop your respiratory and heart rate. Now shift your focus to your groin and imagine experiencing feelings of warm sensations, refrain from using any pelvic muscles during this and stay completely relaxed. Continue this thought and breathing exercise for 10-15 minutes twice a day. A study was done at New York University that reported men who did these exercises reported increase feelings of inner peace in their lives along with genital sensation and a return of normal erections.
As always, the best way to fight Erectile Dysfunction is with a healthy, active, well-rounded lifestyle, visit where you can learn more.
Watch the HealthyMale Video How Meditation can help with ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION